Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Losing Grandpa

My grandpa thought that I was invincible, incredible, athletic, musical, and a genius.

I love my grandpa for many reasons. One of them was that he was convinced that I was better at everything than I actually was. After I performed in our local high school musical, he told me in all seriousness that I had enough talent to go on Broadway. Hahaha.....

He was wearing some HEAVY duty rose colored glasses.

Another was that with grandpa there was always room for ice-cream, chocolate cake,doughnuts, or any type of sugar.

We got a long REAL well!

The day of my grandpa's funeral was one of the saddest days of my life.

It was hard for me to process his death. How could someone that I loved so much, someone that had always been a part of my life, all of a sudden be gone? It was the first experience that I have had with death that has really hit close to home.

Even though my grandpas death was sad and horrible, I am comforted because I know that death is not the end. It is actually a part of God's plan for us.

God wanted us to be able to become like Him. His whole purpose is to "bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of men." So He established a game plan. 

Simplified, this game plan goes as follows.

-God creates a place for us to come (earth)
- He allows us to have agency (or the ability to make our own choices)
- He allows us to experience challenges and trials to help us grow and stretch ourselves
- He gives us a perfect example to follow, Jesus Christ
- His son pays for our sins and mistakes that we made and would make while learning and growing
- His son breaks the bands of death, allowing all of us to live after death with perfected bodies

This plan is real, and because of it I am able to have the knowledge that I will see my Grandpa again. I know that death is part of the plan.

This plan is also part of the reason why I am on a mission. How could I not want to share that with others?

It makes me want to shout with Paul when he said,

"O death, where is thy sting? O grave where is thy victory?
But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
 Losing someone you love is awful. But I take joy in the fact that because of Jesus Christ, we have hope and knowledge that death is not the end. A prophet Abinadi from the Book of Mormon says,

"And if Christ had not risen from the dead, or have broken the bands of death that the grave should have no victory, and that death should have no sting, there could have been no resurrection.
But THERE IS a resurrection, therefore the grave hath no victory, and the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ."
 I am grateful for God loving us enough to give us a plan to get back to Him. Because of His perfect plan, I will get to see my grandpa again! I want my entire family to have this knowledge and follow God's plan for them. I love them too!
 If you want to read more into it, here are some of my favorite sites and articles!
General overview
The prophet Abinadi talking about part of this plan-

The apostle Paul testifies of the resurrection-
A modern day prophet testifies of the resurrection-

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